Wednesday, April 13, 2011


today i can actually start to tell differences - good and bad, with the space food diet.

i can already see the difference in my body!
wednesday is tribal fusion with hilde so i generally wear leggings and a long sweater to work...and today i wasn't all embarassed or worried about the size of my tummy!

i must be in ketosis because my pee really really smells bad.

and i forgot my foodpacks today - luckily i had a couple stashed in my drawer here at work but coulda been a pain having to go back home to get some.

so i had to have the spicy curry pack.
which i was dreading but actually wasn't too bad in the end...

...and i've scored some cinammon to put in my vanilla drink to have before class tonight.

can't wait til tomoro evening to find out how much i've lost...

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